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2022/2/7 16:21:22
美蘭集團将按照集團流通4.0要求形成“一(yī)體(tǐ)兩翼”,以大(dà)宗現貨貿易爲基礎即“一(yī)體(tǐ)”,搭建基于以期貨對沖、同品種對沖、跨品種對沖及國别之間對沖等手段爲主的風險對沖商(shāng)業模式爲兩翼,整合國際、國内環境及交易平台統籌規劃,緻力于構建和諧一(yī)體(tǐ)化的運行模式,秉承着創新和專業,打造連貫性的戰略、專注于真正的核心能力,以及建立長遠的戰略眼光爲國内外(wài)客戶提供大(dà)宗商(shāng)品供應鏈專業化集成服務,提升全産業鏈價值。 Mainland Group will form “one body with two wings” as required by circulation 4.0 requirement of the Group, take the bulk prompt goods trade as the basis i.e. “one body” and the establishment of the operation mode, which is based on risk hedging business such as offsetting futures, same-commodity hedging, intercommodity  hedging, hedging between countries and other methods as “two wings”, integrate the international and domestic environment and overall planning of transaction platform, commit to establishing the harmonious and integrated operation mode, uphold the innovation and specification, build the continuous strategy, focus on real core competence and establish a strategic vision to provide domestic and foreign customers with professional integrated service of bulk commodities supply chain and improve the value of entire industry chain.



電話(huà):150 2649 6176

美蘭集團 網址 : www.chinamidland.com
美蘭集團 郵箱:4037322@qq.com
美蘭集團 地址:湖南(nán)省長沙市嶽麓區洋湖街道先導路 179 号恒偉湘江時代 A2棟 502



2022/2/7 16:21:22
美蘭集團将按照集團流通4.0要求形成“一(yī)體(tǐ)兩翼”,以大(dà)宗現貨貿易爲基礎即“一(yī)體(tǐ)”,搭建基于以期貨對沖、同品種對沖、跨品種對沖及國别之間對沖等手段爲主的風險對沖商(shāng)業模式爲兩翼,整合國際、國内環境及交易平台統籌規劃,緻力于構建和諧一(yī)體(tǐ)化的運行模式,秉承着創新和專業,打造連貫性的戰略、專注于真正的核心能力,以及建立長遠的戰略眼光爲國内外(wài)客戶提供大(dà)宗商(shāng)品供應鏈專業化集成服務,提升全産業鏈價值。 Mainland Group will form “one body with two wings” as required by circulation 4.0 requirement of the Group, take the bulk prompt goods trade as the basis i.e. “one body” and the establishment of the operation mode, which is based on risk hedging business such as offsetting futures, same-commodity hedging, intercommodity  hedging, hedging between countries and other methods as “two wings”, integrate the international and domestic environment and overall planning of transaction platform, commit to establishing the harmonious and integrated operation mode, uphold the innovation and specification, build the continuous strategy, focus on real core competence and establish a strategic vision to provide domestic and foreign customers with professional integrated service of bulk commodities supply chain and improve the value of entire industry chain.